Outside Time and Space

Mary Jane Miller

Outside Time and Space

12" x 12"

Artist Statement: For Christians, Christ is a spiritual center whose energy is ever-present radiating out and inclusive of all He touches. The idea we are the ground that gets moved by waves of energy, inspired by ancient teaching, and guided by ideas greater than what we can imagine leaves us to contemplate the greatness of His and our Creator.

Bio: Mary Jane Miller is a Byzantine-style iconographer with over three decades of experience, born in New York and living full-time in San Miguel Allende, Mexico. Her collections of sacred art are contemporary, with a proficient command of egg tempera. The work is extraordinarily rich in style and is exhibited in museums and churches in the United States and Mexico. Bishops and clergy have collected her work along with commissions for their sanctuaries. As an author, Miller blends historical content and personal insights to arrive at contemporary conclusions about faith. Her 12 self-published books include Iconography and Meditation, The Mary Collection, In Light of Women, Rosary and Prayer for Creation, Women in Iconography, and Life in Christ. She teaches four courses of 5-day immersion workshops every year throughout the US and Mexico. Website: http://sacrediconretreat.com Website:https://www.millericons.com Contact millericons@gmail.com




Margaret Amada 1
Richard Bellows 1
Kelly Bourgeois 1
Kathy Bozzuti-Jones 1 2
Alisa Clark 1
Catherine D. Kerr 1

Ann James Massey 1
Mary Jane Miller 1 2
Jack Pachuta 1 2 3
Zachary Roesemann1 2
Claudia Smith 1 2
Jeanne Harris Weaver 1

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